
Showing posts with the label Harsh Truth

Elon Musk is not the coolest guy: he’s the most foolish guy

"Elon Musk is not the coolest guy; he’s the most foolish guy on Earth." Yes, we admire Musk for his electric cars, rockets, and all things futuristic. But let’s stop and think: Tesla's electric cars may look great, but the energy demand for AI and environmental cost of lithium extraction can’t be ignored. SpaceX's emissions are adding to the very problem they claim to solve. If space travel is the solution, then why are we still facing environmental destruction here on Earth? Global oil and coal consumption is STILL increasing despite the promise of cleaner solutions—why is that happening? And let’s talk about Bill Gates , who believes we can solve methane emissions by modifying cows, rather than addressing the actual problem: we eat too much beef . Why not just tell people to eat more plant-based foods instead of playing God with animals? But the problem isn’t just technology or a couple of individuals—it’s much bigger. Politicians and Freebies: A Da...

Is Packaged Juice Healthy? The Answer Will Surprise You!

The Hidden Truth About Packaged Fruit Juices Hello, friends! Cold drinks like Pepsi and Cola aren’t good for our health. We all know this by now. But often, as their alternative, people suggest: "You should drink fruit juice as it’s healthy." Even the companies making these fruit juices market their products this way: "A healthy drink to boost your immunity." "Full of minerals and vitamins." "The small tetra pack filled with nutrition for your child." This is largely marketed toward children. So friends, how would you feel if I told you that these packaged fruit juices, in some aspects, are as bad for your health as soft drinks like Cola? Come, in today’s article, let us understand this better. Fruits: Nature's Gift to Our Health Are fruits good for our health? Absolutely. There’s no doubt about it. Fruits are an essential part of our daily diets. They are rich in: Vitamins and minerals High fiber Antioxidants Antiox...

लम्बे होने के जैविक नियम (कब तक कैसे बढ़ सकती है लम्बाई ?)

सच है की हर इंसान लंबा होने की चाह रखता है। यह तमन्ना पुरुषों में अधिक प्रबल होती है, पर स्त्रियों में भी प्रायः बचपन से ही लंबे होने की चाहत होती है। दुनिया के हर देश, समाज और समुदाय के स्त्री-पुरुष न सिर्फ स्वयं लंबे होने की इच्छा रखते है, बल्कि उनमें यह भी चाह होती है कि उनके बच्चे लंबे कद के हों। लंबाई के प्रति यह लगाव संभवतः हमारी उस आदिम सोच का एक हिस्सा है जिसमें लंबा-चौड़ा और तगड़ा शरीर हमें अन्य देहधारियों की तुलना में अधिक बलशाली बनाने में उपयोगी था। मानव के उदभव और विकास के पश्चात शुरुआती पीढ़ियों में इसी सोच के चलते स्त्रियाँ जीवनसाथी के रूप में लंबे पुरुषों को चुनना अधिक पसंद करती थीं। मानव उदभव और विकास पर शोध करने वाले मनो-विश्लेषकों का यह मत है कि उस काल की स्त्रियों में लंबे पुरुषों की पसंद इस सोच से रही होगी कि लंबे तगड़े शरीर वाला पुरुष उन्हें और उनकी संतान को बेहतर सुरक्षा दे सकेगा। कमोबेश आज सहस्रों वर्ष बाद भी हमारी लंबाई संबंधी पसंद उसी आद्य सोच पर टिकी है। लंबा होना आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व का एक अनिवार्य अंग माना जाता है। यदि उदाहरण के लिए बीते सालों में मिस यूनिवर्स ...

Climate change may force aeroplane to fly higher

Climate change is having an increasing impact on the structure of the Earth's atmosphere, and may cause planes to fly higher to avoid turbulence, a new international study shows. The research, published in the journal Science Advances, draws on decades of weather balloon observations and specialised satellite measurements to quantify the extent to which the top of the lowest level of the atmosphere called tropopause is rising. The analysis of weather balloon observations alarmingly showed that the tropopause (the upper limit of the troposphere, where commercial flights usually fly) has increased in height at a steady pace since the 1980s-by about 58-59 metres per decade. Of these, 50-53 metres per decade is attributable to human-induced warming of the lower atmosphere. The increasing height of the tropopause in recent decades does not significantly affect society or ecosystems, ...
Dark Mode