
Showing posts with the label Geopolitics

The Story of Syria’s Civil War

The Story of Syria’s Civil War: From Dictatorship to Chaos On a quiet morning in Syria’s Sednaya prison, a 63-year-old writer, Bashar Barhoom, awaited his fate. A supporter of Syria’s dictator, Bashar Al-Assad, Barhoum had been imprisoned seven months earlier after criticizing Iran for exploiting the Syrian people. On that fateful day, Barhoom was minutes away from execution. But when the door opened, it wasn’t the Syrian security forces—it was the rebels. The opposition had overthrown Assad’s regime, and Barhoum, along with others destined for death, walked free. This single act of liberation marked the culmination of decades of oppression, rebellion, and conflict that transformed Syria into a battleground for ideologies, superpowers, and survival. The Roots of the Syrian Crisis Syria’s struggles began long before the civil war. Following independence from French rule in 1946, the country faced instability due to its diverse religious and ethnic composition. Sunni Muslims formed ...
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